
言語を勉強することは、SFC においてキャンパス開設当初より「窓」にたとえられてきました。言語が異なれば、表現方法も思考も異なります。そこには価値観・世界観の違いが伴います。ひとつの窓から眺める星空は小さくても、窓の数が多くなればなるほど、窓が大きくなればなるほど、見える世界は広く大きく拡がっていきます...


Language learning as a window to broaden your horizons

Studying a language has been viewed as a "window" at SFC since the campus was first opened. Different languages have different ways of expression and thought. This is accompanied by differences in the values and outlook on the world. The view of the starry sky from a single window may be small, however, the more windows there are, and the larger each window becomes, the wider and broader one's view of the world becomes...

Our approach to language education






Flow and registration procedures for language courses

First semester

In the first semester of enrollment, students will be required to take a language selected by lottery based on their preferences (at the time of admission registration and pre-enrollment orientation).

After the second

After the second semester of enrollment, students may take an intensive course in the language they took in the first semester or take a new language.


湘南藤沢メディアセンター2階のMMLS(マルチメディア・マルチリンガル・スペース)では、 言語習得を目的とする資料や各種機材を揃えています。留学生など他の学生との交流を通じて、 言語学習に役立ててください。


Let's go to the MMLS!

MMLS (Multimedia Multilingual Space), located on the second floor of the Shonan Fujisawa Media Center, offers a wide range of materials and various equipment designed for language acquisition. We hope you will find this space useful for language acquisition through interaction with other students, including international students.

Shonan Fujisawa Media Center (Library)