SFC言語教育の理念SFC’s approach to language education









Language learning as a window to broaden your horizons

Studying a language has been viewed as a "window" at SFC since the campus was first opened. Different languages have different ways of expression and thought. This is accompanied by differences in the values and outlook on the world. The view of the starry sky from a single window may be small, however, the more windows there are, and the larger each window becomes, the wider and broader one's view of the world becomes. Language is like that window. A world viewed solely in one's native language is remarkably different from the world seen through a multilingual window. We assume that many of you have studied English as your first foreign language. In addition to the English classes at school, you have probably watched or listened to your favorite music or movies in English. Nevertheless, do you honestly believe that you have seen everything the world has to offer through this one window? You cannot see the entire sky through just one window. However, this one window can be used as a stepping stone to open another. This is the true meaning of learning a language at SFC. Whether it is a European or Asian language, by learning another new language, you will encounter values and worldviews that you have never known before. This learning process will not only broaden your perspective but will also lead you to better understanding the place your native language and perhaps your thinking holds in this world.

Tackling a new language can change one's world!

At SFC, there are 11 languages available for you to study. All students, regardless of your department, must take a language communication course, which is an essential foundation for all students to conduct their research here at SFC. It should be noted that the language communication courses are not just knowledge-level courses in the name of liberal arts, but a group of practical courses with the learning goal of acquiring skills to express oneself, and are systematized throughout all language courses. For example, first year-level students who choose to study a European language for the first time for three semesters (one and a half years) in an intensive course (four classes a week) will be able to acquire the ability to express oneself in that language by the time they are in their second year of study. We define the ability to express oneself as being able to explain who you are, what you do, and what you think, in the language you are learning, just as you would explain it in your native language. Therefore, by learning a new language, you can compare and contrast it with English and relearn the language from a different perspective.

One cannot conduct research without language acquisition!

Most importantly, choose a language that is connected to your research. Depending on your research field and activity area, there will always be a language that you will come to need. SFC is a campus where students can set their research themes across different fields. The process of raising an issue and finding a solution requires various methods to do so. Acquiring a different language will be an important method for you at that time. It is an important means to carry out your research in local languages during fieldwork, as it allows you to directly collect information and conduct interviews in that area. However, a new language is not something that can be acquired overnight. That is why we recommend that you start taking the courses as early as possible. Deciding on what language to learn is closely related to the direction of your subsequent research activities. Because SFC allows you to pursue your research interests, it is very important to consider the various methods and relevant language courses to achieve your research goals.

Developing world-class future leaders

SFC's multilingual education is a significant part of the language policy that has been in place since the opening of the campus A unique feature of SFC is that students are able to study Malay/Indonesian, Arabic, and other important languages that are rarely offered at Japanese institutions as intensive courses. Furthermore, the courses are not designed to just build knowledge, but rather to provide students with practical and real-world applicable skills. In addition, for students whose first language is not Japanese, we now offer systematic courses to learn Japanese alongside other language courses to provide language education that can be flexibly adapted to various levels. For students who have already studied English, not only language communication courses but also some general courses are offered in English (Note 1), providing a rich learning environment where students can study multiple languages at the same time. (Note 1: Some general courses are offered in languages other than English.) SFC's language education has led to the development of leaders in a variety of fields who are active around the world. This not only means that language education is acquired in a way that is linked to various fields of study, but it also demonstrates that the multilingual education accumulated at SFC functions as a platform for the development of future leaders. We encourage all new students to plan their studies to take full advantage of this wonderful learning environment.
Let's work together to ensure that your choice of language will be a powerful tool for your future research and that your "window" will swing wide open!