履修の流れと手続きFlow and registration procedures for language courses
1. ガイダンス
言語ガイダンスに出席して最終的な履修希望を提出します。春学期は同日、TOEFL-ITP 試験が実施されます※1。抽選と TOEFL スコアにより、以下のいずれかのクラスが決定します。
- インテンシブ(週4コマ)
- ベーシック(週2コマ)
- 英語インテンシブコース(週4コマ)※2
- プロジェクト英語(週2コマ)※2
※1 欠席の場合、春学期は入学手続き時の履修希望を元に、英語、日本語以外の語種から言語クラスが決定されます。秋学期は各自で履修を希望する言語の研究室に問い合わせてください。SFC で実施される TOEFL-ITP は、入学 1 学期目に限り無料で受験できます。
※2 TOEFL スコアが 449 点以下の場合「英語インテンシブコース」のクラスが、450 点以上の場合「プロジェクト英語」のクラスが指定されます。

2. 言語クラス発表
3. 履修申告
必ず履修案内(SFC GUIDE)を熟読したうえで、クラス指定科目、資格認定試験に合格した科目を含む、履修するすべての科目を期間中に履修申告しましょう。入学1学期目の履修申告の上限は、スキル、コンテンツを含めて1言語(4単位)までです(ロシア語、イタリア語除く)。
1. 履修申告前に必要な手続き
Webシラバスで、履修を希望する授業の選抜の有無、選抜方法、エントリー締切を確認しましょう。詳細は、3月上旬・9月上旬に keio.jp に掲載されるお知らせを必ず確認してください.
- 履修選抜エントリー
- 資格認定試験(アラビア語、マレー・インドネシア語を除く)
2. 履修申告
必ず履修案内(SFC GUDE)を熟読したうえで、履修許可を得た科目、資格認定試験に合格した科目を含む、履修するすべての科目を期間中に履修申告しましょう。
First semester
In the first semester of enrollment, students will be required to take a language selected by lottery based on their preferences (at the time of enrollment registration and pre-enrollment orientation).
1. Orientation
New students will be required to attend the Language Course Orientation and submit their course preferences. The TOEFL ITP test will be administered on the same day in the Spring Semester. *1Students will be placed in one of the following classes by lottery and the TOEFL score.
Language courses other than English
- Intensive (4 class slot per week)
- Basic (2 class slot per week)
- English Intensive Course (4 class slot per week) *2
- Project English (1 class slot per week × 2 classes)*2
(*1) If you are absent on the day of the test, your language course for the Spring Semester will be determined based on the course preferences you submitted during enrollment registration, from a language other than English or Japanese. For the Fall Semester, please contact the laboratory of the language you wish to study on your own. The TOEFL ITP test administered at SFC is free of charge only for the first semester of enrollment.
(*2) If your TOEFL score is 449 or below, you will be assigned to an "English Intensive" class; if your TOEFL score is 450 or above, you will be assigned to a "Project English" class.
(Reference) Types and levels of courses
For more information, please refer to the "The 11 Languages" page.

2. Announcement of language classes
Make sure to check your assigned class and attend. (You cannot change or add classes)
Those with a prior knowledge of the language
*Students who have already studied a language (except English, Arabic, and Malay/Indonesian) may take advanced courses as long as they pass the placement test and the courses do not overlap with other required subjects. If you take advanced courses, you may not take class-designated language communication courses. Please visit the placement tests page for details.
3. Course registration
Be sure to carefully read the Course Registration Guide (SFC Guide) before registering for courses you plan to take, including courses with designated class groups and courses for which you have passed the placement tests, during the course registration period. The maximum number of credits for the first semester of enrollment is limited to one language (4 credits), including Skill and Contents classes (excluding Russian/Italian)
After the second semester
From the second semester of enrollment and onward, students may take an intensive course for the language they took in the first semester or take a new language. Students are encouraged to take courses in a systematic manner, keeping in mind the requirements for advancement to third year-level coursework.
1. Procedures required prior to course registration
Check the web syllabus to see if there is a screening for the classes you wish to take, how the selection is made, and the entry deadline. For details, be sure to check the announcements posted on keio.jp in early March and early September.
- Student screenings
For courses that conduct student screening, students are required to make an entry on SOL-A in advance.
*If you wish to take English Intensive or Project English, you will be required to register your TOEFL score. For those who have not registered or wish to update their score, please submit a copy of your score to the Academic Affairs Office.
- Placement tests (except Arabic and Malay/Indonesian)
Students who pass the placement test are eligible to take advanced courses.
2. Course registration
Be sure to carefully read the Course Registration Guide (SFC Guide) before registering for courses you plan to take, including courses for which you have received acceptance and courses for which you have passed the placement tests, during the course registration period.