1. インテンシブコース
2. ベーシック・コース
3. スキル
* 外国語資格認定試験に合格した人も履修可です。例外として、「海外研修準備コース」はインテンシブ・コースもしくはベーシック・コースと並行して履修できます。
** G4、G5はそれぞれ週に2コマ開講されていますが、2コマセットでの履修を推奨します。また、スキル科目は何度でも履修できますが、G4およびG5については担当教員の許可が必要です。
4. ドイツ語コンテンツ(講義科目)
* 外国語資格認定試験に合格した人も履修可です。
** コンテンツは、「言語コミュニケーション科目」としてだけでなく、「講義科目」(先端科目)としても履修可能です。履修登録時に科目コードを選択してください。
5. 短期海外研修
* スキル科目「海外研修準備コース」を履修し、SFCで認められた授業時間数を満たした研修先を選び、その短期海外研修への参加が会議で認められ、短期海外研修に参加した方は、次の学期に開講予定の「ドイツ語海外研修B」(2単位)(もしくは「ドイツ語海外研修A」(4単位))を履修する資格があります。「ドイツ語海外研修B」(もしくは「ドイツ語海外研修A」)の単位を取得するには、次の学期に入ってから「ドイツ語海外研修B」(もしくは「ドイツ語海外研修A」)の履修登録を行った上で、決められた期日までに以下の3つを提出する必要があります。
- 短期海外研修先が発行した成績証明書ないし参加証明書の写し
- 体験記(ブログ形式)
- フィールドワークについての報告書
5. その他
ドイツ語研究室では、ドイツ語圏の大学と共同で、タンデムも導入しています。ドイツ語を母語とする学生とチームを組み、お互いの学習言語(ドイツ語と日本語)を相互にブラッシュアップします。授業では、インテンシブ・コース3の履修と並行して行うタンデムの他に、短期海外研修や派遣交換留学の準備として導入するタンデム・プラス(Tandem Plus)があります。
- 藁谷郁美
Ikumi Waragai - ドイツ語教育、ドイツ文学、外国語学習環境デザイン
- アンドレアス・マイヤー
Andreas Meyer - ドイツ語教育
Markus Grasmück
Dagmar Kunst
Peter Häußermann
中川 純子
Junko Nakagawa
小笠原 藤子
Fujiko Ogasawara
佐藤 友紀子
Yukiko Sato
Stefan Brückner
Michael Neuber
Daniel Yamada
なお、教員にご相談があるときは、ドイツ語研究室専任スタッフにご連絡ください(doiken [at] sfc.keio.ac.jp)。事前にメールをいただければ、各教員のオフィスアワー以外の時間でも対応可能です。
Study German with our full-fledged "Modelle" programs!
Understanding the modern German world
German is the official language in countries including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg, and is the most widely spoken language in Europe. German-speaking countries are well known for academics and cultures including literature, philosophy, and music, but they also inspire us in fields significant to our daily lives such as urban design, industrial design, environmental policies, and issues on immigrants and refugees. In addition, when looking at Europe as a whole, the German language is an important skill for those who wish to further study communication in multilingual and multicultural society, politics, economics, history, urban design, etc. Some may also find it useful when consuming the news from Germany on competitive sports, such as football and skiing. Here at the SFC's German Lab, we are leaning into this approach to German language education by focusing on what is currently happening in the German world.
Communication-oriented German language education
Some may think that German seems difficult to learn. This may be because they have studied foreign languages in grammar- and reading-based approach. We employ communication-focused teaching methods with the aim of teaching students German that they can actually use. Especially in the introductory-level classes, we focus on topics and situations relevant to SFC students. Students learn a combination of key sentences and vocabularies, and grammar as a supplementary tool.
German language course --flow of one lesson--
We use the "Modelle" textbooks for Intensive and Basic courses. The textbooks and video materials were designed with extensive planning and thought put in by the faculty of the SFC German Lab. We also have various online learning materials that can be used outside of class hours with electronic devices such as PCs, tablets, or smartphones.
The main aim of the Intensive 1 and 2 courses is for students to be able to express themselves in German. The video sketches that comprise the core of these courses are designed from the perspective of the everyday lives of SFC students discovering the world of German. After one year of studying German at SFC, students will be able to express their opinions and talk about their daily lives in German. In Intensive 3, the video sketches focusing on the topic of "life in German-speaking countries" allow students to learn about local customs and culture and to further develop expressions and strategies necessary for communication. In the classroom, we collaborate with several universities in Germany, and students engage in pair work with German students.
After completing Intensive 3, students will be able to further improve their German abilities in the Skill and Contents courses. We also encourage students to participate in our short-term study abroad program during spring and summer breaks. For those who completed the short-term study abroad program, we offer more opportunities such as a one-year exchange program or scholarship-funded fieldwork to further develop German skills. At SFC, students get to learn German in a fun, yet fulfilling environment and acquire practical communication skills that they can use in real life.
Course content
1. Intensive Course
Courses for students who wish to study German intensively. There are three Intensive courses: Intensive 1-3 (referred to as G1, G2, and G3). Intensive course 1 is for complete beginners. There are no course requirements, and anyone interested in German language is welcome. Students learn German four times a week, which covers one lesson using our original learning materials including the "Modelle" textbooks, the accompanying videos, and audio materials. At SFC, we put an emphasis on actively using German, so we do not study classic literature in the Intensive course. The emphasis is on learning to communicate as much as possible with the expression and vocabulary one has at the time, and to acquire the skills to persuade others and build consensus. In Intensive 3, in particular, we have online joint classes regularly with university students in Germany, which give SFC students the opportunity to grow communication skills while using German they have learned.
After completing Intensive 3, students will be able to talk about various situations and topics and express their own opinions relating to their fields of interest, such as politics, economics, society, history, and culture. They will also have sufficient German language skills to participate in the short-term study abroad program held at universities or educational institutions in German-speaking countries.
2. Basic Course
This course is designed for students who want to learn German at a slower pace. The Basic course class meets twice a week, whereas the Intensive course class meets four times a week. We recommend this course to those who don't have the time to dedicate four class periods per week to learning German.
In the Basic course, students use the same "Modelle" textbooks as well as the accompanying video and audio materials as in the Intensive course. Students study one lesson divided into four class periods over two weeks. Therefore, by the end of Basic 1, students will have completed the first half of Intensive 1. After completing Basic 1, they will be able to move onto Basic 2. In Basic 2, students will go over the second half of Intensive 1. After completing Basic 2, they can continue learning German by taking Intensive 2.
3. Skill
The Skill course is designed to develop various German skills, and are an extension of the Intensive course. Students can take the course after completing Intensive 3.* This course aims to further develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, and to improve communication skills and strategy (G4, G5**). Course contents include: class focusing on improvement of discussion and presentation skills; essay class; reading comprehension class; preparation class for study abroad courses.
*Students who passed the foreign language placement test may also take this course. The exception is "Preparation course for the short-term study abroad course" which may be taken concurrently with the Intensive or Basic course. **G4 and G5 offer two classes per week respectively. It is recommended that students take both classes as a set. The Skill course can be taken multiple times, but the lecturer's permission is required to retake G4 and G5 classes.
4. Contents (Lecture Course)
The Contents course is a combination of lectures and seminars, and is designed for students who have completed the Intensive course or taken the Skill course in the previous semester.* In these courses students are able to not only learn German, but also about various topics while having discussions in German. The classes are fully taught in German. Some examples of classes are: Media and Society, Regional Studies, Theory of Languages, Social Studies, Cultural Studies, and Society in Japan and Germany (Online Seminar), in which students work with German university students via video call.**
*Students who have passed the language placement test may also take these courses.
**Contents course can either be taken as "Language Communication Courses" or as "Lecture Courses" (Advanced Subjects). Select the appropriate subject code number when registering for the course.
5. Short-Term Study Abroad Courses
Short-term study abroad opportunities in German-speaking countries are offered twice a year during summer and spring breaks.
In the short-term study abroad course, rather than everyone going to the same location and studying in the same course, students select a host institution from a variety of choices including universities in German-speaking countries such as IIK, BerlinID, Carl Duisberg Center, and the Goethe Institute. Students submit an application, and then travel to the host institution by themselves. They take classes at the host institution while staying at a student dormitory or a youth hostel. Students are able to immerse themselves in the German language while abroad, allowing them to make leaps and bounds in their language abilities in a short period of time.
Since many will be going abroad alone for the first time, we offer a preparation class in the Skill course (Study Abroad Preparation Course in the 3rd period, Tuesday). Students who are planning on participating in the short-term study abroad program are able to receive support in this class.
Note that those who participate in these programs abroad can apply to receive credits for the courses "Study Abroad B" (2 credits) or "Study Abroad A" (4 credits).* Scholarships are also available.
*Students who participated in the study abroad program are eligible to register for "Study Abroad B" (2 credits) or "Study Abroad A" (4 credits) in the semester immediately after participating the program. To register for these courses, you are required to complete the followings before participating in the program: completing the "Study Abroad Preparation Course" in the Skill course, selecting a host institution that fulfills class hours stipulated by SFC, and receiving approval for participation in the study abroad program by the Committee Meeting. In order to acquire credits for "Study Abroad B" (or "Study Abroad A"), you are required to register for "Study Abroad B" (or "Study Abroad A") in the following semester and to submit the following three documents by the prescribed date.
- - A copy of the transcript of academic record or certificate of participation issued by the host institution
- - Study abroad diary (blog format)
- - Report on fieldwork
6. Other
The German Lab is implementing a tandem learning system in collaboration with universities in the German world. Under the system, students on both sides are able to develop their language skills (German or Japanese) by working in tandem with students who speak the other language natively. In addition to tandem learning offered in Intensive 3, Tandem Plus is offered as a preparation for short-term study abroad programs or student exchange programs.
Fieldwork and internship opportunities in the German world are also available over summer and spring breaks. We strongly recommend it for those who have completed the study abroad program. In these programs, students conduct fieldwork such as on-site observation, interviews, and surveys to research a topic of their choice (e.g. environmental issues, urban planning, or design).
Students can also study at a university in the German world for one year through the student exchange program. Keio University currently has student exchange partnerships with over 30 universities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland at which students can study abroad. Applications open in late November every year. Some universities offer scholarship as well.
We encourage each student to take the advantage of these opportunities and achieve real fluency in German.
Class System Diagram
Course Registration Planning Model
Faculty members
Full-time faculty members
- Ikumi Waragai
Ikumi Waragai - German language education, German literature, foreign language learning environment design
- Andreas Meyer
Andreas Meyer - German language education
Part-time lecturers
Markus Grasmück
Markus Grasmück
Dagmar Kunst
Dagmar Kunst
Peter Häußermann
Peter Häußermann
Junko Nakagawa
Junko Nakagawa
Fujiko Ogasawara
Fujiko Ogasawara
Yukiko Sato
Yukiko Sato
Stefan Brückner
Stefan Brückner
Michael Neuber
Michael Neuber
Daniel Yamada
Daniel Yamada
Marianne Kawabata
German Lab
The German Lab is located on the fourth floor of the Lambda Building (λ410). The Student Assistants (SA) are available in the lab from 1st to 4th periods Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. There are also Teaching Assistants (TA) and Coordinating Assistants (CA).
German dictionaries, textbooks, and workbooks to prepare for exams held by external organizations are also available. Lecturers as well as TAs and SAs are happy to help you with your coursework and studies, so do not hesitate to consult us.
If you would like to consult with a lecturer, please contact the full-time staff in the German Lab at doiken[at]sfc.keio.ac.jp If you send us an email in advance, we can accommodate you outside of office hours.