* To view the explanation in English, please click on "English" on the upper right.
履修する場合、日本語 担当教員の「 履修許可」が必要です。
- まず、日本語研究室Webサイトを見て、学期の初めにある「日本語ガイダンス」に必ず出席し、「日本語レベル確認テスト」を受けてください。
- 次に、シラバスを見て履修エントリーしてください。科目担当教員に履修を許可された学生が「履修申告」できます。
Aim of Japanese Courses at SFC
Japanese courses at SFC are for international and returnee students. These students can study Japanese regardless of whether their level is elementary, intermediate, or advanced. We aim to help students improve their Japanese language skills in line with their goals to use their abilities to the fullest as a member of SFC. International and returnee students have different social and cultural backgrounds in many ways, and they can act as a stimulus to students who know only Japan.
In the Japanese language section, we aim to offer a place where international students, returnee students, TA/SA students, and faculty members can learn from one another and exchange our ideas or thoughts about various topics such as people, languages or culture.
How Can I Register Japanese Courses?
In order to meet the diverse needs of international and returnee students, each course has a different target level of Japanese language proficiency. We encourage you to understand the content and level of each course and take the course that best suits your needs.
Students need to obtain "Permission to Register" from the faculty members to register for Japanese courses.
[Steps before Japanese language course registration]
- Visit the following website, take the "Japanese Level Check Test," and attend the "Japanese Language Guidance" at the beginning of each semester.
*SFC Japanese language section website - Check the syllabus and make an entry for the course that was instructed based on the Japanese Level Check Test results. Only students who are given permission by the faculty member in charge may register for the course.
Credits earned from Japanese Language courses can be counted toward the eight Language Communication credits required for advancing to the following year. Students may also utilize the Japanese level check test given at the Japanese Language Course Orientation to assess their Japanese language skills.
1. 初級 Elementary level
日本語インテンシブ初級科目 では、テキストを使って「話す・聞く・読む・書く」の四技能を学んで、身近なことについて自分の経験や考えを伝えるための表現を学びます。
- 日本語インテンシブ初級1(秋学期のみ)
- 日本語がはじめての人のクラス。身近なコミュニティーにおいて、簡単な日本語を使って、相手とやりとりを続けることができることを目指します。
- 日本語インテンシブ初級2
- 「日本語インテンシブ初級1」を学習した人が、初級後半を学ぶクラス。身近なコミュニティーの中で、よく使われる文や表現が理解でき、自分の意見や考えを表現できることを目指します。
2. 中級 Intermediate level
- 日本語インテンシブ1
- 「日本語インテンシブ初級2」を学習した人が、初中級レベルを学ぶクラス。日本語を使ってSFCのいろいろなコミュニティーに参加し、自分がよく知っていることや自分の考えをわかりやすく伝えられることを目指します。
- 日本語インテンシブ2
- 「日本語インテンシブ1」を学習した人が、中級レベルを学ぶクラス。自分の専門分野など個人的に関心があることについて、日本語で情報を得たり、自分の考えを伝えたりできることを目指します。
- 日本語インテンシブ3
- 「日本語インテンシブ2」を学習した人が、中上級レベルを学ぶクラス。研究会などで、自分の専門分野について、日本語で基本的な情報を理解し、発信できることを目指します。
3. 上級 Advanced
- 日本語スキル
(L・講義の受け方) - 講義の聴き方や学習ストラテジーなど、日本語で行われる講義科目を受けるために必要なスキルを学びます。
- 日本語スキル
(P・プレゼンテーション) - 一般の講義科目や研究会、卒業論文の発表に必要なスキルを学びます。発表用スライドの作成に必要な、長い文を短くするパラフレーズの練習やプレゼンテーションの実践をします。
- 日本語スキル
(1W・レポートの書き方) - 日本語のレポート作成を学びます。自分の興味のある分野に関する短いレポートが書けるようになることを目指します。
- 日本語スキル
(2W・レポートの書き方(発展)) - 日本語のレポート作成過程を学んで、大学で必要とされる論理的な文章を書くことができるようになることを目指します。
- 日本語スキル
(1C・現代社会総合) - SFCや大学全体に関する文章を通じて、漢字・語彙や読解について学びながら、SFCで「自分らしく」学んでいくための総合的な力を身につけていきます。
- 日本語スキル
(2C・現代社会総合(発展)) - 日本語で書かれた現代社会に関する文章を題材に、日本語で書かれた「生」の資料を読む力、問いを立てて文章を書く力を育成します。
- 日本語スキル
(1W・文章表現) -
- 日本語スキル
(2W・文章表現(発展)) - 日本語で書かれた論文の読み書き、特に「書く」を中心に学びます。読み方・書き方のモデルや典型的なパターン、アカデミックな語彙や表現について学び、レポート・論文を書く力を高めていきます。
Course Contents
Please note that the contents of courses may change. Please check the syllabus before the beginning of each semester.
In Japanese Intensive - Elementary, students will acquire four skills of "speaking, listening, reading, and writing" using textbooks and learning expressions to convey their experiences and thoughts about familiar topics.
(Japanese intensive - elementary 1 and 2 are held 4 times a week, and are worth 4 credits each. )
- Japanese Intensive - elementary 1 (Fall Semester only)
- Introductory course for students at the preliminary level. The aim of this course is to use simple Japanese to continue communications with others on familiar topics.
- Japanese Intensive - elementary 2
- For students who have completed Japanese intensive - elementary 1 to learn Upper Elementary level. The aim of this course is to understand frequently used vocabularies and expressions and express their own opinions and thoughts on familiar topics.
In Japanese Intensive-Intermediate, students use textbooks to acquire 4 skills, "speaking, listening, reading, and writing", carry on project activities such as researching or giving a presentation on areas of interest, and conduct autonomous learning by setting goals themselves.
(Courses below are held 4 times a week, and are worth 4 credits each.)
- Japanese Intensive 1
- For students who have completed Japanese Intensive -Elementary 2 to learn lower Intermediate level. This course aims for students to participate in various SFC communities using Japanese and express their thoughts and ideas intelligibly.
- Japanese Intensive 2
For students who have completed Japanese Intensive 1 to learn Intermediate level. The course aims for students to get information and convey their thoughts in Japanese on the area of their interest or field of study.
- Japanese Intensive 3
For students who have completed Japanese Intensive 2 to learn Upper-Intermediate level. The course aims for students to understand and convey essential information regarding one's field of study in SFC communities, such as Seminars.
Japanese Skill courses are primarily designed for students to develop their academic Japanese skills for study and research at the university. Various courses are offered depending on the semester, such as attending lectures given in Japanese, giving presentations, and writing reports.
(Each class is held once a week and is worth two credits.)
Spring Semester
- Japanese Skill
(L: Academic Lecture Comprehension) -
In this course, students will acquire essential skills to take lectures conducted in Japanese. More specifically, they will learn how to grasp the key points or how to take notes by watching short lecture videos.
- Japanese Skill
(P: Academic Presentation) -
In this course, students will acquire skills to make presentations at general lectures, seminars, and graduation projects. The course will cover using paraphrasing sentences for presentation slides and practicing the presentation.
- Japanese Skill
(1W: Academic Essay Writing) -
In this course, students will acquire the basics of academic essays in Japanese. The course aims for students to be able to write a short paper on areas of their interest.
- Japanese Skill
(2W: Academic Essay Writing (Advanced)) -
In this course, students will acquire the necessary skills for writing an academic essay. The course aims for students to write a clear and logical paper required in university courses.
Fall Semester
- Japanese Skill
(1C: Contemporary Society) -
In this course, students will develop knowledge of kanji or vocabularies, and reading comprehension through texts about SFC and the university, while acquiring the broad range of skills necessary to study "in their own way" at SFC.
- Japanese Skill
(2C: Contemporary Society (Advanced)) -
This course aims to read newspaper articles and a small-sized paperback book about social issues, explain the content clearly, and deliver opinions in Japanese. Students are expected to write an academic paper and make a poster on the theme related to social issues.
- Japanese Skill
(1W: Academic Writing) -
In this course, students will acquire the basics of academic writing, such as the distinctions between written and spoken language, constructing sentences, and describing opinions and facts.
- Japanese Skill
(2W: Academic Writing (Advanced)) -
In this course, students will develop skills in academic writing in Japanese. The course aims for the students to extend their ability to write an essay or a report by learning the models of an academic paper and acquiring academic vocabulary or expressions.
Curriculum Diagram
氏名 | 専門分野 | SFCでの学部担当科目 |
杉原 由美 (総合政策学部准教授) |
応用言語学、日本語教育、多文化/異文化教育 | 日本語スキル、第二言語としての日本語教育、多文化コミュニケーション、研究会 |
伴野 崇生 (総合政策学部准教授(有期)) |
日本語教育、文化心理学、成人教育学、難民研究 | 日本語インテンシブ、日本語スキル、研究会 |
- 甲斐 晶子
- (専門:日本語教育、教育工学)
- 佐藤 貴仁
- (専門:日本語教育)
- 鈴木 理子
- (専門:日本語教育)
- 富岡 花
- (専門:日本語教育)
- 西山 陽子
- (専門:日本語教育)
- 白頭 宏美
- (専門:日本語教育、異文化間教育)
- 山崎 哲
- (専門:日本語教育、国際社会学、中国帰国者研究、生活史)
Faculty Members
Full-time Faculty Members
Fields of Expertise | SFC Undergraduate Courses | |
SUGIHARA, Yumi (Associate Professor) |
Applied Linguistics, Japanese Language Education, Multicultural/Intercultural Education | Japanese Skill,Japanese Language Education,Multicultural Communication,Seminar |
TOMONO, Takao (Associate Professor (Non-tenured)) |
Japanese Language Education, Cultural Psychology, Adult Education, Refugees Studies | Japanese Intensive, Japanese Skill, Seminar |
Part-time Faculty Members
- KAI, Akiko
- (expertise:Japanese Language Education,Educational Technology)
- SATO, Takahito
- (expertise:Japanese Language Education)
- SUZUKI, Satoko
- (expertise:Japanese Language Education)
- (expertise:Japanese Language Education)
- (expertise:Japanese Language Education)
- HAKUTO, Hiromi
- (expertise:Japanese Language Education, Multicultural/Intercultural Education)
- YAMAZAKI, Satoru
- (expertise:Japanese Language Education, Transnational Sociology, Chugoku-kikokusha, Life History)
日本語研究室(λ館2階 207)
Japanese Lab
2nd Floor,λ (Lambda) Building Room 207
The Japanese language section offers learning opportunities in several ways. Students who need to acquire necessary Japanese skills for studying at SFC can receive free support from TAs and SAs, whereas TAs and SAs are also given a chance to see their communication skills put those during class activities. Our laboratory has many textbooks and learning materials for students at all levels, and they can be used in our laboratory. For further information, please visit our website. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
*TA=teaching assistant / SA=student assistant: Some TAs and SAs are raised and educated in Japan, whereas others have an international background like you do.