「情報格差」の問題が深刻化する現代世界において、この2つのツールの重要性は強調してもし過ぎることはありません。「グローバル・ミニマム(Global Minimum)」―グローバル化の流れの中で取り残されないための最低条件、国際社会に積極的に参画するための最低必要条件―として、これらのツールは確実にマスターしておきたいものです。現在の実力に決して甘んじることなく、「母語」と同じ感覚で「英語」であらゆる状況に対応できるレベルを目指して、これからの4年間、SFCの学習環境をフルに活用してください。
さらにプロジェクトの実践においては、research, discussion, presentationの相互に関連した活動を行います。researchは「白けない場」のための必要条件です。自分たちの発見したものにはオリジナリティがあり、オリジナルなアイディアは伝えたくなる、つまりresearchがpresentationを動機づけるのです。その次の段階のdiscussionはcollaboration gameで、これに、個々人の独創的な意見が共振したとき、アイディアは創発します。そこで最後にアイディアを外部に差し出す行為(pre-sent)としてのpresentationが大きな意味を持つようになります。Researchがアイディア構想の必要条件であるとすると、presentationは可能性(市場)を拓く力となるわけです。このプロセスによって、多文化を生きる上での強力な力になる、SFC英語セクションの見解である、「たくましさ」、「しなやかさ」につながるわけです。
1. カリキュラム紹介 --インテンシブコースとプロジェクト英語--
2. インテンシブコース--リソースデベロップメント--
- 対象レベル:TOEFL 449以下
- 授業回数・単位数:週2回、1回2コマ連続(180分×2日、4単位)
- 特色:1学期間完結の徹底的な基礎力集中強化コースです。
3. プロジェクト英語 --言語コミュニケーション科目--
- 対象レベル:A(450-490)オペレーショナル,B(471-535)ファンクショナル,C(516 以上)プロフェッショナルの4レベル ※2023年4月からレベル分けのTOEFLスコアを変更しました。
(Dレベルの開講は、英語セクションで検討し、特にレベル統合の価値を認めた場合にのみ開講し、必ずしも毎学期開講されるものではありません) - 授業回数・単位数:各授業週1回、1コマ90分、1授業2単位
- 特色:特定の運用スキル、あるいは総合的な英語運用能力を徹底的に鍛えるための科目(各2単位)です。
- 授業シラバス:英語セクションのWebシラバスを熟読してください。
- 開講コマ数:原則として毎学期60コマ以上
SFCの教育理念に沿った上記の目的を達成するためには、プロジェクト英語を履修する際、まずこのSkill-focusedコースとContent-focusedコースの両方をバランスよく履修し、その次の段階としてContent-focusedコースにさらに履修することを強くお薦めします。 ∗Ⅲ授業体系図を参照してください。
4. 英語履修上の注意点
- インテンシブコース授業内で実施されるTOEFL-ITPのスコアがレベル分けに反映されます。返却されたスコアを学期初めまでに、各自事務室学事担当窓口にコピーを提出してスコアを更新してください。
- TOEFLスコアは、外部iBT受験と学内TOEFL-ITP受験のどちらのスコアも有効です。TOEFLスコアの提出期限を必ず確認し、時間的ゆとりをもってTOEFLを受験して下さい。(スコアの返却までに3~4週間かかります)
- TOEICスコアを、TOEFLスコアの代わりに利用することはできません。
- インテンシブコースは月・水と水・金の2通りの組み合わせからの選択です。
- 新入学の1年生を事前にクラスに振り分けた後、残席に対して、新入生以外の学生を対象に履修者選抜を行いますので学事日程を必ず確認の上手続きを行うよう注意してください。ガイダンス日程、履修者選抜スケジュールは、keio.jpや英語セクションWebサイトなどで必ず確認してください。
- 対象者はTOEFLスコア449以下です。すでにインテンシブコースの単位を取得した学生は再履修することは出来ません。
就職活動など、やむを得ない事情で初回授業を欠席する場合、必ず英語セクション(english-system@sfc.keio.ac.jp)に、当該授業日の前日中までにメールで事情及び志望動機エッセイを提出してください。メールで提出する際の件名は、『【重要】初回授業欠席 担当教員名 授業名 授業日 時限 自分の氏名』としてください。また、その後遅滞無く、欠席理由を証明するもの(説明会参加票、医師の診断書など)をλ307に直接持参してください。以上の連絡が無い場合には、履修辞退とみなします。5. English Support Center:English In Action 来たれ!λ301、λ307へ!--より豊かな英語体験の機会を提供--
ESCでは、皆さんにより活発で、楽しく英語体験を提供するコミュニティです。また2014年度からEnglish In Actionという活動も生まれました。学生主体の英語の勉強会、担当教員が自信をもって提供する、映画鑑賞会、異言語・異文化交流会、各専門分野からの講演会、季節感あふれる交歓会などを実施しています。ぜひESC、English In Actionの一員となって、「生きた英語」のコミュニティに参加し、SFCでの「英語は出来てあたりまえ」を実感しませんか。
長谷部 葉子
中浜 優子
大堀 壽夫
石渕 理恵子
デイビッド, ヘニグマン
キャメロン, ハイ
ウォルター, ワイマン
What is SFC English? - "IT" and "English" - Acquiring "strength" and "fluency"
Given the growing "digital divide" in today's world, the importance of "IT" and "English" as tools cannot be overemphasized. Considering the "Global Minimum" - the minimum requirements to avoid being left behind in the tide of globalization, and for active participation in the global community - these tools must be surely mastered. We encourage students to never stop reaching for higher highs. Instead, take full advantage of SFC's learning environment for the next four years to achieve a level where you can handle any situation in English as if it were your native language.
With that in mind, SFC has organized an English curriculum that is revolutionary and at the forefront of higher education in Japan.
The meaning of "Project English"
The idea of "Project English" was created at SFC, and its practice is what makes learning English at SFC what it is. Many of you may not be familiar with the term "Project English" until now; at SFC, we take the term "project," to mean "conducting research with a plan." At SFC, "project" implies ensuring that research is feasible (can produce results within a semester) and the creation of an action plan. In particular, it stresses the development of a new outlook on an individual level that is rooted in a realistic standpoint to view phenomena and the world from other specific perspectives.
Furthermore, as part of implementing said projects, we conduct the interrelated activities of research, discussion, and presentation. Research is required to keep our learning environment "lively". There is originality in what we discover, and a natural tendency to want to share our original ideas with others, which is how research, in turn, stimulates presentation. The next activity in the chain, discussion, is a collaboration game, where new ideas emerge when each individual's creative opinion resonates with other participants. This is where presentation, the final activity of presenting an idea to the outside world, takes on great significance. If research is the spark that births ideas, then presentation represents the tinder that ignites its possibilities. This process leads to the "strength" and "fluency," envisioned by the SFC English Section, and will become a powerful force for students living in a multicultural society.
Course content
1.1. Curriculum - English Intensive and Project English
English courses taught at SFC are all named "Project English" based on SFC's educational philosophy of "identifying and resolving problems." We have developed and implemented an English program that focuses on actual communication skills while also ensuring the content is consistent. Through this English program, we have placed a focus on developing the language skills necessary to survive in a global society. We will now get into the details. English classes are divided into two main courses depending on TOEFL scores: English Intensive and Project English.
2. English Intensive - Resource development
This course is an intensive course to learn English communication and practical skills that form the basis for using English. It is a great option for those looking to transition from previous English learning methods to a more self-expressive style.
- Expected level: Students with TOEFL scores 449 or under
- Class schedule and credits: Twice a week, two periods in a row for each class (180 minutes × 2 days, 4 credits)
- About the course: It is a one semester intensive course for learning basic English skills.
For students in their 2nd year or above: Please check the English Section website at the end of March. Make sure to pre-register and take part in the English section orientation in April.
3. Project English - Language Communication Courses
According to the new curriculum, students entering SFC from 2014 onward will be able to advance to their third year by earning credits from 4 Project English courses.
- Expected level: There are 3 levels, A (TOEFL 450-490) Operational, B (471-535) Functional, and C (516 and above) Professional *The TOEFL score for level placement was updated in April 2023.
(Level D classes will be offered only when the English Section considers and specifically recognizes the value of merging the levels and will not necessarily be offered every semester.) - Class schedule and credits: Once a week, 90 minutes per period, 2 credits for each class
- About the course: The courses are designed to thoroughly refine comprehensive practical English ability and specific applied English skills.
- Course syllabus: Please check the English Section web syllabus for full descriptions of the class.
- Classes: Over 60 classes offered each semester
Next, we will explain a bit more about the Project English courses to better your understanding of them and help select the right courses for you. The Project English course basically consists of two types of courses: content-focused courses and skill-focused courses.
In the content-focused courses, students will present the results from what they have learned through various project activities based on themes they are interested in. Essentially, students will be given freedom to explore academic content through project activities and use English to find and solve problems. Specifically, some examples of the variety of opportunities our courses offer include making websites using globally-understood English to introduce Japanese culture, working on entrepreneurship-related projects, research on specific locales/regions, producing newspapers and magazines through cultural and language exchange events with university students from abroad, creating documentary films, working on architecture projects and educational projects, and so on.
In the skill-focused courses, students will be able to develop their communication skills. The aim is to acquire the necessary practical English abilities to work on projects in the content-focused courses. Based on the practical English skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, the goal is that students will learn the necessary English skills for researching, giving presentations, having discussions, debating, and negotiating as professionals in the future. Specifically, in the skill-focused courses, the coursework is structured so students can focus more on their studies even outside class--sessions will be supplemented by online homework submissions, such as updating course blogs and uploading presentations and then receiving feedback.
In order to achieve these goals based on the philosophy of SFC Education, we strongly recommend you initially take a balance of skill-focused courses and content-focused courses simultaneously and then continue with content-focused courses. *Please see the class system diagram.
English course syllabi
Each Project English class is unique in what it offers, so be sure to read through the syllabuses carefully and familiarize yourself with the classes you are interested in taking. Please check the SFC Course Syllabus for the latest information after mid-March for spring semester class syllabi, and after mid-September for the fall semester class syllabi.
4. Important notes on English courses
Below are all the important points students should be careful of when taking English courses and some important points about the class system.
The most important points are written below but please attend the English Section orientation at the beginning of each semester. Please check the English Section website for details about the class registration system, notices, and Project English syllabi. Also check the Language Communication Course website for times and dates of the Language Course Orientation at SFC, registration for the TOEFL test, and Project English course registration.
Inquiries may be submitted via e-mail (english-system@sfc.keio.ac.jp).
English registration period
For new students enrolling in April who would like to take English Intensive or Project English, classes will start from your first (spring) semester. Students will be separated into two classes, either English Intensive (for students with TOEFL scores of 449 or below) or Project English classes at the beginning of the year. You will experience new methods of learning English at SFC while embarking on your new university life. We hope that you will take this opportunity to re-consider English as something that you can make real use of in your life. Students who enroll in September can also take English Intensive and Project English from the fall semester immediately following their enrollment.
Submitting your TOEFL score
New students starting in April will take the TOEFL ITP test at SFC on the same day as the Language Course Orientation. The score will be used in registration for English courses from the spring semester. A TOEFL score is also required for students in their 2nd year or above. To those who do not yet have a TOEFL ITP or other TOEFL score, please take the TOEFL test on your own. Please follow the instructions provided by the Academic Affairs Office for the submission deadlines for each semester.
- a. TOEFL ITP scores taken in the English Intensive class will affect level placement. Submit a copy of your returned score to the Academic Affairs Office by the beginning of the semester to update your score.
- b. TOEFL scores from external administrations of the TOEFL iBT tests are also equivalent to the TOEFL ITP test at SFC (given in November). Please be sure to check the deadline for submitting the TOEFL score and make sure to take the test well ahead of time. (It will take about 3 or 4 weeks to receive your score.)
- c. You cannot use a TOEIC score instead of a TOEFL score.
Limits on the number of Project English courses you can take in the Spring Semester
Without exception, a student may take a maximum of 2 Project English classes (4 credits) each semester.
Registering for the English Intensive Course and screening
- ・The English Intensive course is provided on either Monday/Wednesdays or Wednesday/Fridays (2 periods each day)
- ・First-year students will be given priority in terms of assignment, followed by students in their 2nd-year and later who are interested in taking the course, provided there are seats remaining. Be sure to check the orientation and student screening schedule on the English Section website or keio.jp.
- ・Eligible applicants must have a TOEFL score of 449 or less in order to register. Students who have already earned credits for an English Intensive course cannot retake it.
Project English and English Intensive Registration
From Spring 2023 onward, all registration for English Intensive and Project English courses will be conducted using SOL-A. For more details, please check with the Academic Affairs Office.
Important general precautions
If you will be absent for the first class for an unavoidable reason such as job hunting, please be sure to send an email by the day before the class to the English Section (english-system@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with a detailed message explaining why you will be absent. Please be sure to send an email with the following heading: "[Important] Absence for the first class / "Instructor's name" / "Class Name" / "Class Date" / "Class Period" / "Your Name". Then, as soon as possible, please bring evidence to prove your reason for being absent (medical certificate, participation slip from the job-hunting information session, etc.) directly to λ307. If you fail to give advance notice, you will automatically forfeit your registration for the course.English Support Center: English In Action! Make your way to λ301, λ307! - Providing opportunities for a richer English experience -
At the English Support Center (ESC), we are committed to providing a more active and enjoyable English language experience for everyone. From 2014, we have started a new project called "English In Action." The project includes student-led English study groups, movie viewing parties, cross-language and intercultural exchange events, lectures from various fields of expertise, and seasonal gatherings that are offered with the utmost confidence by the faculty in charge of the program. We invite you to join ESC and English In Action and become a part of a community that uses real, everyday English.
Class system diagram
Faculty member
Full-time faculty member
Yoko Hasebe
Yuko Nakahama
Toshio Ohori
Jonathan Trace
Rieko Ishibuchi
Visiting lecturer
David Hoenigman
Cameron High
Walter Wyman