1. インテンシブ1・2 (春・秋学期)
- ハングルを使いこなす能力
- 発信のための基礎会話力
- 基本的文法項目の応用力
2. 海外研修 (春休み・夏休み)
- SFCの学生用に準備された専用プログラムである。
- SFCの学生3~4人に対して、1人のソウル大生のTAが加わり、一緒に行動しながら教室外での活動を含んだ各種体験学習を行う。
- テーマ中心のミニ・プロジェクトが並行して実施される。
- 伝統衣装、楽器、料理などを通して韓国文化を直接体験する。
3. ベーシック1(春・秋学期) ベーシック2(春・秋学期)
4. スキル(読解、会話・作文)(春学期)
5. 資格試験
資格試験の種類 | 内容 |
インテンシブ2 | インテンシブ1(あるいはベーシック2)の単位がない学生が、インテンシブ2の授業に入るために受ける試験 |
スキル | インテンシブ2あるいはインテンシブ3の単位がない学生が、スキルの授業に入るために受ける試験 |
(1)SFCでの担当科目(年度によって変更の可能性あり) (2)専門研究分野
- 柳町 功
Isao Yanagimachi - 総合政策学部 教授
(2)現代韓国論、東アジア経営史・財閥史(韓国・日本) - 髙木 丈也
Takeya Takagi - 総合政策学部 専任講師
(2)朝鮮語学、方言学、談話分析 - 高 在弼
Jaepil Ko - 総合政策学部 訪問講師(招聘)
(2)朝鮮語学、朝鮮語統語論・語用論 - 中島 仁
Hitoshi Nakajima - 総合政策学部 非常勤講師 東海大学国際教育センター 准教授
(2)朝鮮語学 - 高 槿旭
Gunuk Ko - 総合政策学部 非常勤講師
(2)日朝対照言語学、朝鮮語教育 - 徐 旻廷
Minjung Seo - 総合政策学部 非常勤講師
(2)社会言語学、朝鮮語学 - 許 秦
Jin Heo - 総合政策学部 非常勤講師
Dear new SFC students, annyeong haseyo.
Here is a little-known secret about Korean: it is the easiest language to learn for native Japanese speakers or Japanese learners.
Chili, kamsa, and yagu in Korean are chiri (geography), kansha (appreciation), and yakyu (baseball) in Japanese, respectively. The fact that many kanji characters are shared with Japanese is reassuring to those whose native language is Japanese. Don't you think that the Korean pronunciation is quite similar to Japanese?
Experts say that there are about 7,000 languages in the world. Among these languages, there is none easier to learn for Japanese native speakers than Korean. This is due to the fact that 1) the word order completely matches Japanese; 2) the grammar is also nearly identical, so Korean translates into Japanese word-for-word; 3) a vast amount of kanji characters are used in both Korean and Japanese; and 4) the depth and base of the cultures are similar. This means that a large chunk of the Japanese language ability we already have can be directly applied in the same way, compromising a decent portion of Korean language proficiency.
Students who are learning the structure of Hangul and basics of the pronunciation at the beginner level can acquire a very high level of language proficiency in a short period of time. Anyone who has basic Japanese language skills will be able to improve their Korean language skills quite fast. Learning Korean will give Japanese-speaking students a sense of accomplishment they cannot experience studying any other language.
Aims of the Korean Language Education Program
Korean language coursework has long been offered at Keio University. Although undergraduate and graduate programs on each campus as well as Keio Gaigo also offer Korean language courses, SFC has been providing high quality language instruction that allows students to really study Korean, going beyond the liberal arts level since its establishment. Despite not being foreign language faculties, the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies offer a full range of coursework to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of students who are engaged in advanced learning and research. The goal is not only to learn the Korean language, but also to be able to use the language to deepen a comprehensive intellectual understanding of both the north and south of the Korean Peninsula. It goes without saying that whether or not you understand the Korean language is a decisive factor in understanding Japan's neighboring country. Fake news exists among the wide array of information exchanged on a daily basis. It is essential to acquire Korean language proficiency in order to carry out the following series of intellectual tasks: identifying accurate information, organizing, analyzing, and contemplating it. Furthermore, the faculty members at the SFC's Korean Lab aim to provide instruction such that students acquire these abilities, which allow them to carry out intellectual tasks including sharing their messages in Korean.
Korean as a method of intellectual understanding
South Korea rebuilt itself from ruin following the Korean War (1950-1953) and experienced a period of rapid economic growth referred to as "The Miracle on the Han River," eventually becoming an economic giant (ranked 10th among 193 countries in the world in terms of nominal GDP in 2021). You've likely have heard of Korean companies such as Samsung, LG, and Hyundai. These conglomerates have matched or even surpassed Japanese companies in terms of overall strength in areas such as smartphones, electronics, and automobiles. The incredible influence of their pop culture, a phenomenon referred to as the "Korean Wave," is exemplified by K-POP, K-dramas, and video games which have become extremely popular not only in Asia but also in Europe and the United States.
To further deepen intellectual understanding of Korean society, it is essential to learn the Korean language. Learning Korean will allow you to access more information on the Korean Peninsula and to diversify your interests.
As an extension of learning of Korean language courses, SFC offers a variety of curricula for understanding modern Korea. Through lecture courses, including "Korean Regional Studies," "Korean Social Studies," and "Modern Culture (Korean)," students will deepen their intellectual understanding of Korean politics, economy, society, culture, history, as well as the geopolitical situation on the Korean Peninsula. In addition, several Kenkyukai research seminars are offered as an advanced form of these lecture courses.
Learning Korean as an opportunity to reflect on Japanese culture and oneself
Language is inherently intertwined with culture. In fact, culture develops with language and language reflects the character of culture. Language is a part of culture. In the process of learning the Korean language, you will also be exposed to and learn the Korean culture that is baked into the Korean language. Thus, while learning Korean, you will gradually gain an understanding of Korean culture and have opportunities to examine the cultural differences between Korea and Japan.
Japan and Korea have historically had a long close ties and uninterrupted exchange. Korean culture has many similarities to Japanese culture, but also has differences. Understanding of Korean culture through Korean language and comparing Korean culture with Japanese culture will give you an appreciation for Japanese culture that you may have taken for granted. Such cultural awareness and thought will provide us, as intellectuals, an opportunity to reflect on Japanese culture and ourselves.
Course content
1. Intensive 1 and 2 (Spring and Fall Semesters)
It is recommended for students who would like to master Korean language quickly. For those whose native language is Japanese, Korean language is easy to learn and they will be able to progress quickly. They will become proficient within one year of taking Intensive 1 and 2. In Intensive 1 and 2, students learn basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational expressions that are used in a variety of everyday situations aiming to acquire the following abilities.
- Mastering Hangul
- Basic conversation skills for communication
- Ability to apply basic grammatical points
Intensive 1 includes short speeches, and Intensive 2 includes workshops. Students are encouraged to actively participate in the class.
2. Study Abroad Course (over spring and summer breaks)
The Korean Lab values learning where the language is spoken, and thus offers study abroad programs in Seoul. Two types of study abroad programs are available, which are for *beginner* and *intermediate* levels.
After completing Intensive 2, students in the *beginner* level can undergo language training at the Seoul National University Language Education Institute for three weeks during spring or summer break. In the Seoul National University Language Education Institute, a special intensive language program is offered solely for SFC students. The program features the following:
- The program is exclusively for SFC students.
- Each group of three to four SFC students are paired with one Seoul National University student TA who participates in hands-on exercises including activities outside the classroom.
- Theme-oriented mini-projects are conducted in parallel with the program.
- Experiencing Korean culture through trying on traditional clothing, playing musical instruments, and cooking.
In addition, the program includes a visit to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) as well as Korean companies to allow participants to further immerse themselves in Korean society.
The *intermediate* level students can also go on a three-week study abroad program at the Seoul National University Language Education Institute to acquire a higher level of Korean language proficiency. The *intermediate* study abroad program aims for students to acquire advanced Korean language skills through reading specialized subjects and discussion.
Hanbok-wearing experience
Students tried wearing hanbok, traditional Korean clothes, and immersed themselves to understand the Korean history and culture.
Korean cooking clas
Students cooked Korean traditional dishes gujeolpan and topokki, which were very tasty.
3. Basic 1 (Spring and Fall Semesters) and Basic 2 (Spring and Fall Semesters)
Basic 1 and 2 focus on acquiring basic Korean with a fewer number of class hours. One course each is offered every semester (two courses will be offered for Basic 1 in the Spring Semester). After acquiring credits for Basic 2, students may take Intensive 2.
4. Skill (reading comprehension, conversation/composition; Spring Semester)
Skill (listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary; Fall Semester) The course is designed for students to improve their academic Korean language ability. Two Skill courses are offered every semester and each course has its own theme such as reading comprehension and conversation/composition. Students who completed Intensive 2 may take this course. We encourage students to take courses such as the Advanced courses or Kenkyukai research seminar (Graduation Project), or to participate in the study abroad program using the Korean language skills they acquired from these courses.
5. Qualifying Examination
An examination may be required to qualify to take Korean language courses depending on the credits the student earned from relevant courses in the previous semester. The examinations will include written (vocabulary/expressions/grammar) and oral, to comprehensively determine whether the student has acquired the skills and knowledge they would have in the preceding prerequisite course.
Examinations Content | 内容 |
Intensive 2: | An exam required for students, who have not earned credits for Intensive 1 (or Basic 2), to register for Intensive 2. |
Skill: | An exam required for students, who have not earned credits for Intensive 2 or Intensive 3, to register for the Skill course. |
Class System Diagram
Faculty members
- Isao Yanagimachi
Isao Yanagimachi - Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
(1) Intensive 1, Intensive 2, Corporate Governance, Korean Social Studies, Kenkyukai
(2) Modern Korean Studies, East Asian Business History, Zaibatsu History (Korea/Japan) - Takeya Takagi
Takeya Takagi - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
(1) Basic 1, Intensive 1, Intensive 2, Korean Regional Studies, Kenkyukai
(2) Korean Language Studies, Dialectology, Discourse Analysis - Jaepil Ko
Jaepil Ko - Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Policy Management
(1) Intensive 1, Intensive 2, Basic 1, Basic 2, Skill (conversation), Modern Culture (Korean)
(2) Korean Linguistics, Korean Syntax/Pragmatics - Hitoshi Nakajima
Hitoshi Nakajima - Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Policy Management; Associate Professor, Tokai University Language Education Center
(1) Intensive 2, Basic 2
(2) Korean Language Studies - Gunuk Ko
Gunuk Ko - Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Policy Management
(1) Intensive, Basic, Skill
(2) Japanese-Korean Comparative Linguistics, Korean Language Education - Minjung Seo
Minjung Seo - Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Policy Management
(1) Intensive 2, Basic 1, Skill (Grammar/Expression, Listening and Reading Comprehension)
(2) Sociolinguistics, Korean Language Studies - Jin Heo
Jin Heo - Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Policy Management
(1) Intensive, Basic
(2) Korean Phonetics (Experimental Phonetics)